Check out this quick 30 second video on how to play with your colors....I explored the color BLUE here....but you can use any color....have fun!
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Born in Costa Rica,
Now serving art enthusiasts from all over the world with NEW on-line courses
We opened our doors to our in-person art studio in Costa Rica back in 2015. Hosting in-person classes for kids 5th grade and up, a vibrant Ladies Intuitive Painting Class, Paint Nights, Open Studio, summer and holiday camps for kids, and workshops with local artisans were our base. But, after the pandemic of 2020, we saw a need to move our classes on-line to reach more students at all times of the year, in any situation, and in any location. Same content, just on your terms in your great is that?! We are super excited to be moving on-line and we can't wait to inspire and serve all of you!
Why the name "Sage Brush Art Studio":
We decided on Sage for many reasons (brush is fairly obvious!)....Sage is a color and means "wise, teacher of learning, wisdom." Sage is also something that artists like to burn before beginning their craft to clear their energy and lift spirits.
We wish sage wisdom, good energy,
and light spirits for all our artists!

Everything Happening at Sage Brush
Skill Building
Currently Full
This Masterclass is for students who have gone thru all the courses on beginning Intuitive Painting and/or with approval from instructor. The community aspect of this masterclass is phenomenal and an added bonus to your art progression no matter your skill level (perfect style for beginners to advanced). Friendships and skill building together all in one! Annual art retreats are also an added bonus of this group. You will be so happy if you strive to join this group!
Class will open each September and January.

Monthly Membership
There is nothing better than a consistent practice to ignite your creative spirit and fuel your JOY or to increase your skill level for your other art practices. No matter your art medium of choice, practice does bring progress and a regular creative practice will spill over into all areas of your life. This class is perfect for those who want to do art, but don't have as much time to dedicate to a master class or for those wanting to expand their creative muscles and bring creative Joy to their week.
Weekly Projects ~ Open year round.
Coming Soon!
This on-line art exploration program is for tweens and teens who can't get enough art at school, have too busy of a schedule to fit in one more after school activity, or who just LOVE all things art. We will explore painting, mixed media, water color, print making, and more. This is a wonderful way for teens to expand their love and knowledge of art while working from the comfort of home working at their own pace.
Join us.....we have lots of fun!
Classes Beginning January 2022

Sage Brush On-line Courses
What are the best brushes for painting and collaging, how to use them, and how to care for them.
Mark-making is a favorite skill utilized by painters, journalers, mixed media artists, and used most creative endeavors. Learn how to make marks and the tools to use them. Mark Making Prompt Sheet included.
This mini-course is all about COLOR....color basics, color mixing, color harmony, color schemes, color cravings, and is the basis for all painting. A skill building course to be revisited again and again.
This stand alone mini-course is all about the medium of collage. Collage can be used in journaling, craft making, or painting. It is the basis for all mixed media projects.
Collage 101
One of our favorite ways to teach how to SEE when drawing and painting. both Contour and Blind Contour Drawing is a fun way to approach drawing skills.
Negative Space Painting
Negative Space Painting is a continuation of the Intuitive Painting process and a great way for artists to take their skills to another level.
A mini-course required for all teen and adult classes. Perfect skill building exercises to get us all on the same page when we enter the classroom.
Intro to Intuitive painting
Intuitive Painting is our base for our Ladies Painting Masterclass. It is a wonderful way to learn painting or to expand your painting skills.
Blind Contour Drawing
Beginning Painting
"I found that I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say in any other way - things that I had no words for."
- Georgia O'Keeffe

Tanya Belz Rauzi
After years of traveling the world with her husband, Kurt, and their four children, Tanya opened Sage Brush Art Studio in Guanacaste, Costa Rica in 2015 with friend and fellow artist Kathy Teel Jones providing after school art exploration classes for tweens/teens and a vibrant Ladies Intuitive Painting Class. When the pandemic hit in 2020 a new plan to go on-line was formed and new courses were born from the fun and exploratory courses enjoyed inside the in-person studio. After 8 years in Costa Rica, Tanya and her family returned to their roots in the Bay Area in 2021.

Should I buy more art supplies?The best art supplies are always the ones you already have. As you experiment and learn, you can make more purchases, but in all honestly, more supplies can add confusion and can distract from the creative process. We strive to ignite your creative process, not bog it down, and we want your experience to be enjoyable. Paint: Starting with the 3 primary colors of red, blue, and yellow plus white and black is a perfect starting point. These colors can be any variation of the 3 primary colors as these are all you need to mix all your favorite colors and will allow you to learn color mixing along the way, too. Sets of colors can be beneficial, too. Again, use what you have to start!
What art supplies do I need to start painting?A list will be provided to you for each course / class, but if you want to get an idea, here is a basic list of items you may or may not need when getting started. Again, rummage through your house to find the basics as your starting point. And because art is a creative endeavor, everything on this list can be substituted....and artists love to recycle, up-cycle, repurpose, and use found objects. So be creative! A few brushes of various sizes in flat and round. A cup or mug for water (or two!). A few cups, mugs or containers for storing your other art supplies. Rags, paper towels, or shop towels. An apron or oversized shirt to cover clothing. Note: Acrylic paint will only wash out if you do it when it is wet. Once it is dry it is permanent, so having a set of clothes for painting can also help alleviate worrying about clothes. A palette for paint: Can be a paper plate, palette paper, wax paper, plastic/glass palette A drop cloth on your floor (or old rug) Butcher paper or newspaper on your table. You can also use an old table cloth or old towels (note: plastic table covers allow water and paint to puddle, so it is best to have something that can absorb). Pencil/s for etching, sketching and writing Palette knives (an old butter knife or old credit card or hotel card key can work here, too) White pens (roller ball pens, Gelli pens, Posca brand, Sharpie brand, etc.) Black pens (Sharpie, Posca brand, Gelli pens, etc.) Paint Pens (various colors) Sponge brushes, make-up sponges, organic sea sponges, kid's fun shaped sponges Mark-making tools: This list can be really long, but a few of my favorites are bubble wrap, lids from bottles and containers of various sizes (circle templates), kids sponge rollers with patterns, etc. Stencils of any kind, but I tend to like the ones that make patterns more than the ones that make objects. Spray bottle for water Journal: This can be the $10 ones at Michaels (these pages are thin, so a coat of white paint before journaling will help make pages thicker) or a spiral pad of watercolor/mixed media paper (this paper is thicker and will not need a coat of paint to start), or a hardcover journal (with watercolor or mixed media paper. Size is your preference. I generally work in an 8 1/2 x 11 book and work with both pages at the same time making one journal page out of the two or doing two smaller projects on each facing page. Again, your choice. Scissors, rulers, measuring tape can also come in handy sometimes Tapes of various widths can be useful (my favorite is Frog tape or painters tape) Remember....this is a list of ideas and one to build over time....and never forget that improvising is a great way to also stretch your creative muscles!
What if I have never journaled before or am a total beginner?This weekly exploration is for creative types of all skill level. Even those who are not even sure they are creative. Remember, the best part about journaling is that you never have to show anyone....cause it is just for you. But you will....cause you will be amazed at what you can do! Many artists use journaling as a way to experiment with various supplies and to practice creative skills. Others never go beyond the pages of their journal, but all garner the benefits fo being creative on a regular basis.
Who can join Joyful Journaling?Anyone can join Joyful Journaling! No prior art or painting experience is necessary. At Sage Brush we believe the process of making art is more important than the outcome. It is about the time creating that matters most....but, I assure you, you will astound yourself! I also encourage you to sit side by side and do these creative exercises with your kids or grandkids. Creating together does not need to be a solitary thing and it can be a fun exercise on a rainy/snowy day to do together.
Can I do this with my family/friends?Yes, of course! Your membership allows you to share these weekly creative explorations with anyone in your household. And we love recommendations to your friends and family outside of your immediate home and welcome all within your inner circle. But, please remember that this does not include forming a playgroup or neighborhood circle to share in the cost of the sessions and do together. This is meant for families, friends who visit, a playdate that happens, or other one time gatherings with those you love and those you wish to do art enjoy and spread the creative love! And of course, tell your friends and family about your experience and encourage them to join the fun, too!
Will this be time consuming?Absolutely not! (unless, of course, you want it to be) The beauty of on-line courses is that you can do these at your own pace and you never have to follow any suggested timelines. This allows you to make art when you can and when you can't, they will be there waiting for you with nothing missed. Being creative is about making progress at any pace that is right for you. Consistency is always encouraged as it is a habit that has to be learned in the beginning, just like everything else, but your pace is your pace and it should always be what is best for you. That is one big reason I give you a couple off months. First off, December is just too busy and wrapping presents and baking cookies is the perfect creative substitute. April and August tend to be travel months for many people so I have also included these months in the off months. These months are meant for catching up in a non-stressful manner (so you never need to feel "behind"), or for you to practice a favorite page or for you to take a break and be with your families.
Are the courses and classes live?Yep (well, mostly)! You can join the weekly sessions or watch the pre-recorded lessons anytime you want. There may be a few sessions here and there that are pre-recorded if I have a commitment I can't get out of that week....but, this system allows for our schedule to go on as planned.
Do I have to join the private Facebook group?No, this is entirely up to you, but most of our members find a private Facebook group to be a safe place to ask questions and to grow and learn from others who are also going through the same course/class. It is also a great place to be inspired and to connect with others who can provide feedback and encouragement. We are always better together! Any live demos, bonus Q & A sessions, etc. will be housed within the private Facebook Group, but all the Live recordings of the weekly sessions will be available in your student portal here on the website.
What is the payment structure like?We have the option to join any of our annual memberships at a monthly rate ($20 per month) for a one year commitment, a one-time payment for one year of journaling, or a single month with 4 sessions. There is an opportunity to receive a discounted rate (50% off) if you pay for the entire year up front. You will have access to the courses as long as you are a member. Note: There are 3 months when there are no new courses, but set aside time for you to catch-up or practice favorite pages. These months are still charged at the regular rate and are built-into the fee structure. Your program also includes a FREE private Facebook group where you can ask questions, get advice, post pictures of your projects, and generally converse with your fellow journalers and teacher.
Do I still pay during the 3 off months?Yes, as these are annual plans. There are 3 months when there are no new journaling sessions. This time is set aside time for you to catch-up or practice favorite pages. These months are still charged at the regular rate and are built-into the fee structure. Why? Because we all need off time and it will be different for each of you, but I have done my best to choose the best off time/catch-up time as possible to allow for a stress free experience. I give a few months off for several reasons....First off, December is just too busy and wrapping presents and baking cookies is the perfect creative substitute. April and August tend to be travel months for many people/families so I have also included these months in the off months. These months are meant for catching up in a non-stressful manner (so you never need to feel "behind"), or for you to practice a favorite page or for you to take a break and be with your families/friends. Having breathing room in your regular creative practice is one of the best things you can do for your creative process.
Can I cancel at any time?You can cancel whenever you like. Your membership is billed annually and you can choose to not renew at any time. If you wish to cancel, you must do so before the next billing cycle. Remember, you have access to the membership content as long as you are a member and you are also only required to pay the membership price you paid when you joined, even if the price increases. If you leave the membership, then want to return at a later time, you will join at the current rate and not the lower rate you had previously.
What if I need a scholarship?We believe in making art accessible to all....just ask!
Still have questions?Send me an email and I will be happy to help at
Will the price ever increase?No! Once you join, you will lock in your price even if the price increases. As long as you are an active member, your price will remain stable and not increase. If you choose to pause, when you re-join, you will join at the current pricing.